For a loan change request, please complete the below form for the academic year in which you are requesting. Note, loan change requests are subject to term, annual, and lifetime loan limits and total cost of attendance. Please contact financial aid at 434-947-8128 or if you have any questions or need assistance completing this form.
For a financial aid appeal request, please complete the below form for the academic year in which you are requesting. Please contact financial aid at 434-947-8128 or if you have any questions or if you are unsure if you meet the general eligibility requirements.
Please note, the Randolph College Appeal Committee cannot guarantee that the submission of an appeal will result in an increase in your financial aid and you are still responsible for all charges to Randolph College regardless of your financial aid appeal status.
For a cost of attendance adjustment (COA) request, please complete the below form for the academic year in which you are requesting. Please contact financial aid at 434-947-8128 or if you have any questions or need assistance completing this form.
Please note, completing the cost of attendance adjustment request will not increase your existing grants or scholarships.
Congratulations, your hard work has paid off! Below you will find information as it relates to understanding repayment of your student loans.